Gambling in a brick and mortar casino after winning online since 18: Is it worth it?
- Pros And Cons Of Online And Local Casinos
- Is It Worth Leaving The House To Gamble At 18?
While most states have some form of gambling available to players 18-years-old and up, many states require their patrons to be 21 and over to enter full-fledged casinos. One way to get around this requirement for players under 21, but at least 18, is through online casinos.
Offshore casino websites offer a great alternative to brick-and-mortar casinos across the country. With the ease of access, the ability to play on almost any internet-enabled device, and the vast selection of betting choices, multiple games to choose from, including blackjack, slots, roulette, and live dealer games, many players have utilized these sites after they have turned 18 but before they are 21.
However, players who have never been to a real casino in person, due to location or age, may not know if it is worth testing the waters after turning 21. Especially for players who are about to turn 21 but have enjoyed success and fun online for the last couple of years since being 18, one might be conflicted about visiting a land-based casino.
One of the best ways to decide if real casino play is the right fit is to simply visit a casino when possible. You may need to wait a couple of years if you’re under 21 or plan a road trip if your state doesn’t have any casino options for you, but the experience is the best teacher.
There are a few things to consider when visiting a local casino for the first time when comparing it to an online casino:
- Comps- Everything is better when it is free, and that’s what you’ll get at an in-person casino. While each establishment is different, most casinos will give players free drinks, food, or lodging to encourage gambling at their location.
- Experience- Sometimes, the glitz and glamor are the best parts of playing in casinos. The entire spectacle—bright lights, fancy machines, high-class dealers—can be mesmerizing enough to make the whole trip worth it.
- Other players- Online casinos allow players to set up their own gaming space, rituals, and privacy. In a real casino, players have no control over each other. You could be sharing a table with individuals you’d normally avoid or be forced to interact with when you want to be left alone.
- Less availability- In an online casino, access to games is virtually limitless. Gamblers do not have to worry about waiting for a seat on a full table or if the state has legalized certain games or sports betting; everything is available at the click of the finger. The same cannot be said about playing in person.
- Distractions- Brick and mortar casinos have lights, sounds, music, and people that players have no control over. For players 18-20 years old familiar with online casinos where they normally have control over these factors, this could be sensory overload.
- Rules- Online casinos do not have the same type of rules that real casinos do. An online player can place their drink anywhere they want or use their phone at any point during a game, but this could be drastically different depending on the casino. The extra rules for online players in real casinos could be a huge turn-off.
So, is a real casino worth visiting if you’re an online player who has been playing since age 18 but can now finally visit a real casino at age 21? In most situations, it wouldn’t hurt just to try it out. But at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preference.